Download Marketing Materials

Note: Color calibrated print systems are recommended for all types of print outs

Let people know about your presentation in advance. Download any of the three cards presented below, to be used for social media, and tell people in your network a little about yourself and what you will talk about. Don’t forget to add the Congress hashtag #IUFRO2024 to all your posts!

The IUFRO2024-logo may be used solely for the purpose of promoting the 26th IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm 23–29 June and only by partners to the Congress, exhibitors, members of the press covering the Congress or other parties that have requested the secretariat’s permission to do so.

Shape It is not permitted to use parts of or change the logo design under any circumstances.

Placement The logo is placed in such a manner that it’s highly visible, with enough contrast, on an uncluttered background with sufficient margin to adjacent elements/edges in all directions, so that it appears visually balanced and pleasing to the eye. If the background is coloured, make sure to use the most complementing logo variant.

Size Always make sure that the logo is resized proportionally. The logo’s smallest text components should always be readable.

Learn more about the Congress, the exhibition, Innovation stage and Green Job Arena
Download brochure ”This is the IUFRO World Congress 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden” (pdf)