Scientist Assistance Programme – SAP
IUFRO’s Scientist Assistance Programme (SAP) aims to provide forest scientists, from economically disadvantaged countries, with financial assistance to participate in the 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024, taking place in Stockholm, Sweden from 23 to 29 June 2024.
Scientists from countries shown in the list will be eligible to apply for sponsorship.
The Scientist Assistance Programme is implemented by IUFRO’s Special Programme for Development of Capacities (SPDC) and based on the following general policy guidelines:
- Support is directed to those scientists who are contributing to the 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024 in the form of a paper or poster presentation.
- Only scientists who are employed at an institution in an economically disadvantaged country and reside in an economically disadvantaged country are eligible for support.
- Preference is given to early- to mid-career forest scientists (below the age of 46 years) who are in need of further developing their expertise and skills as a researcher.
- Highest priority in providing sponsorship is given to IUFRO officeholders and forest scientists working in IUFRO member institutions, though scientists working in other forest-related research institutions which are not IUFRO member institutions will also be supported depending on funding available.
The selection of candidates will also be geared to achieve both geographical and gender balance.
While applications from those who have received SAP support for past congresses are welcome, preference will be given to those who have not received funding previously.
Two types of sponsorship are available:
- Full sponsorship
- Partial sponsorship
More information is available at the IUFRO-SPDC Congress SAP web page.
Timeline for the SAP call
15 Sep to 15 Nov 2023 – Call for SAP applications open
15 Dec 2023 – SAP acceptance decisions
List of eligible countries:
Afghanistan | Georgia | Nicaragua | |
Algeria | Ghana | Niger | |
Angola | Guatemala | Nigeria | |
Argentina | Guinea | Pakistan | |
Armenia | Guinea-Bissau | Papua New Guinea | |
Bangladesh | Guyana | Paraguay | |
Belize | Haiti | Peru | |
Benin | Honduras | Philippines | |
Bhutan | India | Rwanda | |
Bolivia | Indonesia | Samoa | |
Botswana | Iran | São Tomé and Principe | |
Brazil | Iraq | Senegal | |
Burkina Faso | Jordan | Sierra Leone | |
Burundi | Kenya | Solomon Islands | |
Cabo Verde | Kiribati | Somalia | |
Cambodia | Korea, Dem. People's Rep. | South Sudan | |
Cameroon | Kosovo | Sri Lanka | |
Central African Republic | Kyrgyz Republic | Sudan | |
Chad | Lao PDR | Surinam | |
People's Republic of China | Lebanon | Syrian Arab Republic | |
Colombia | Lesotho | Tajikistan | |
Comoros | Liberia | Tanzania | |
Congo, Dem. Rep | Madagascar | Timor-Leste | |
Congo, Rep. | Malawi | Togo | |
Côte d'Ivoire | Mali | Tunisia | |
Cuba | Mauritania | Uganda | |
Djibouti | Mexico | Ukraine | |
Ecuador | Micronesia, Fed. Sts. | Uzbekistan | |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | Moldova | Vanuatu | |
El Salvador | Mongolia | Venezuela | |
Eritrea | Morocco | Vietnam | |
Eswatini | Mozambique | West Bank and Gaza | |
Ethiopia | Myanmar | Yemen, Rep. | |
Fiji | Namibia | Zambia | |
Gambia, The | Nepal | Zimbabwe | |