Young Foresters Inspire Hope at Round Table
The next generation is making its mark. Amalie Holmefjord, a dynamic young prospect in the public sector and Norway’s youth delegate to the UNFCCC, delivered a compelling keynote during the Round Table discussions leading up to the IUFRO World Congress this summer.
In her keynote, Amalie presented insights from the children’s climate panel in Norway, revealing that youth are both hopeful and concerned about the future. Results from the panel’s report from 2023, show that children and youth envision a 2050 that includes everyone, where no one is left behind, and a 2050 where we live within the planetary boundaries, and nature and climate is prioritized.
“Our shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy cannot exploit nature or marginalized communities. This is especially pertinent in the forest sector, where responsible practices are crucial,” said Amalie.
Confide in the youth
Highlighting an exemplary initiative, Amalie introduced the young woman, Mana Omar, who comes from the Masai communities in Kenya. She founded and works with an initiative to establish a gender-equal village in an area highly vulnerable to climate change. Amalie used Mana’s work as a testament to the impactful initiatives led by young people globally.
She also underlined the insights from the children’s climate panel by connecting the broader environmental vision to forestry through the perspective of Åsmund, a Norwegian forestry student.
“In 2050, the forest sector should not only supply quality lumber but also prioritize biodiversity and ecosystem services. Young professionals like Åsmund are actively working towards a sustainable forestry future,” said Amalie.
A green, resilient future is possible
She concluded with a personal reflection, bringing attention to a symbolic climbing tree from her childhood. She encouraged the audience to envision the year 2050, urging collective responsibility towards a sustainable world.
“In 2050, I see myself climbing that tree with my nephew and our children, and I hope we all carry our visions of a sustainable future with us,” she stated.
The audience, about 40 cross-sectoral forest stakeholders from the Nordic and Baltic countries, responded positively to Amalia’s keynote, recognizing the vital role of youth and the forest sector in shaping a sustainable and inclusive future.
“The moment I realized a green and resilient future is possible, was transformative. Meeting incredible young individuals challenging the status quo affirmed that positive change is within reach”, she said.